You copied my email



  • Font changed back to Inter 4.0
  • Color palette updated (translucent colors)
  • About page added
  • Interactions revamped
  • Command palette changes.
  • Layout changes
  • Minor bug fixes
  • External links decreased
  • Typography updates: One font size structure
  • One color palette
  • Navbar changed and now it’s dynamic
  • Table of content for Case study page
  • Smartcoach Case study re-writed
  • Structure changes
  • New Animations


  • New Font: Geist
  • Experience section revamped.
  • Case studies are now internal.
  • The website is now one page.
  • Command palette is simplified.
  • Section header's removed.
  • Sections re-ordered.
  • "Layers" is now called Showcase and the page is removed.
  • The Showcase section is now at the bottom of the page. (Below the footer)
  • Showcase is now a section it's a showcase of my Dribbble.
  • Minor issues fixed


  • System theme added. ( My website now auto-changes Dark/light mode based on your system theme. Also, you can switch from the navbar.)
  • Revamped color palette.
  • Primary button interaction.
  • Revamped experience section.
  • New shortcut: Press "C" to copy my email!
  • Redefined spacing system.
  • The footer is redesigned.
  • The layers page is now featured on the homepage.
  • Minor issues fixed


  • I've got a job and added to the hero.
  • New hero!
  • The project card is revamped, added a slider with swiper.js with buttons. Also card effect
  • In a project page, another slider was added with swiper.js (it's draggable)
  • The testimonial section has also revamped. I've added a slider there too.
  • Paddings are fixed
  • CMS and rich text arrangement
  • New items added to CMDK
  • Minor issues fixed


  • Minor issues fixed
  • The first case study is live.
  • The case study page is live too :)
  • Table of contents for case studies.
  • CMS changes
  • Now, thumbnails on the case study cards are set to 100% height.
  • Minor padding issues fixed
  • In the contact modal, the "DM me" button wasn't working properly due to Twitter's API now it is fixed by adding the profile link instead message link.
  • Gray color codes changes.
  • My stack section is removed.
  • Stacks added to my bento
  • Header text changes
  • Change hierarchy by bringing case study sections one point higher.
  • New button: "Download resume" below that button
  • Sections bottom-top padding increased
  • CMD K menu button now has a border
  • Navbar menu shadow removed
  • Page loader is now smoooooth
  • New interaction: CMD K menu now opens by clicking my name on the home page
  • CMD K menu's max height changed from 25rem to 64vh to show users who are using the disabled scroll function in their browser.
  • The grid problem on IOS Devices has been fixed
  • On some pages CMD K menu and Contact modal wasn't able to open, this is fixed now


  • New section added: Experience
  • Footer layout changed.
  • Header changes: Content, Font styles
  • Padding and margins optimized
  • Font sizes are now more accessible
  • New loader animation for each page
  • Mobile responsive problem solved
  • link moved from navbar to experience section to make it feel right.
  • Favicons set custom for each page
  • Fixed some bugs
  • Minor changes


  • It's public!
  • New page added: Shots
  • New section added: Testimonials
  • Content changes
  • Minor changes
  • The command bar menu design fully changed
  • The  command bar is categorized by type (Navigation, Actions, Social)
  • Keyboard shortcuts are added as labels
  • New keyboard shortcut in the command bar menu: Scrolling with arrow keys
  • Minor changes and fixes
  • The toast message is modified to the new layout and I added a delay to make it a more realistic reaction


  • The Navbar style and content have been changed. Thanks to @chesterhow
  • CTA buttons are removed
  • Fixed tooltip doesn't show up the issue
  • Added the bottom border property to the navbar. Now the bottom border is will be Gray / 100 when the page is scrolled into sections
  • Navbar backdrop filter: blur is set from 8 px to 6px
  • Header splitter into 2 rows
  • Changed some text sizes of buttons and else


  • Added a hover interaction to my stack table.
  • Added links into stacks
  • Safari's radius problem has been fixed
  • Tooltips are now changed by OS
  • Minor fixes
  • Hero content changed
  • Some old scripts were deleted. It was causing late loadings


  • The command bar can now open from the icon at the top right
  • Added an interaction to the footer logo that allows scrolling to the top of the page
  • Minor fixes
  • The command button was removed
  • Ctrl/⌘K will open the Command Palette. Thanks to @sekei
  • Ctrl/⌘E will open the contact modal. Thanks to @sekei
  • ESC will close the contact modal or command bar menu. Thanks to @sekei
  • For mobile devices, it can be opened from the navbar buttons
  • The CTA button now is a button group that has 2 buttons
  • The View resume button will open in the new tab.
  • I added a button with only a download icon it will straight download my resume to your device as a PDF
  • For smartphones, there is no redirect. There is a download button with a label to download my resume as a PDF
  • Padding global has been turned from REM to % (percentage) which is "30%"
  • Minor footer changes


  • The responsive layout has been fixed
  • Turned the regular navbar to the bottom navbar for mobile devices except for tablets
  • Utility pages redesigned
  • States redesigned
  • Color code changes
  • Minor logo changes
  • Bigger than 8px is set to be REM
  • Lower than 8px is still as px.
  • Email me button now opens a modal form that allows the user to fill that form and contact me or if the user wants to copy or open the mail app, now they can
  • The page structure has been designed & named to manage easily.
  • Minor changes in the footer
  • Added tooltip interaction into my stack logos
  • Added changelog inf
  • Minor size and layout changes
  • Added a button that opens the menu
  • Added an interaction into a Contact button that opens my contact options as a modal
  • CTA is now "Email me"; it'll open the preferred mail app
  • Also, next to the CTA button there is a View Resume button that will open a PDF file in your browser